Need help with baby daddy

This guy has told me. I hate you, I’ll never get back with, fuck you, you ain’t shit, wish I never had a kid with you, and ect. Mind you I never did anything to this guy he left me after 5 years and our son was 4 months

He has a gf now no problem. I still allow him to get his son every weekend or every other if he doesn’t want him that weekend.

HIS GIRLFRIEND picks at me. Just by saying that’s my man and ect. Like idgaf !

He’s on child support because he wasn’t there when I was pregnant or when my son was 1. He’s now 2. He’s threaten me to take me to court for child support. We don’t have any visitation schedule on papers just pretty much every weekend we verbally agreed on. He gives me no money and has clearly stated if I take him off child support he won’t give me shit.

His girl has a child too and he has mentioned he wants to get taken off so he can get a place with her and everything. She’s basically pushing him to treat me like shit. She’ll call me a bitch and everything and he will just agree and call me worst. It’s like she’s in competition when she already got the guy she wanted. I don’t get it.

Basically he wants to take care of her and her kid. Which okay cool but don’t threaten me for the money I use for ur sons daycare which isn’t even enough because u wanna use on someone else.

Can he do this? Should I just get soley custody and take him off? I need advice I’m sick of this. I’m tired of this. In court they don’t care about text messages unless it’s physically threats. I just want to know what kind of action can I do behind this