Am I the only one annoyed by this

I'm 4 months postpartum and it's gotten to the point where everyone is saying they cant wait for me to have another baby, to which I tell them I may never try to have another one because i had such an awful birthing experience and that even now I'm still experiencing after effects from it. The thing I'm annoyed with is that after I say this they glare at me and tell me that women are made to forget the pain of childbirth and I'm just trying to get attention. This medical misinformation seems to be everywhere now and it makes me furious that people are using it to invalidate womens experiences! Studies point to the fact that multiple variables can cause a more positive outlook on your birth, but forgetting the pain completely is ridiculous. Sure, if years pass the memory might fade a bit, but that's true about all recollections, and from an evolutionary standpoint forgetting about pain would be stupid. Even before I gave birth people told me not to worry cause I'd just forget. The people who say this are mainly the guys of my family, which makes sense since they weren't the ones experiencing the birth, but a couple women in my family as well, although they are much older and have admitted that their birthing experiences went extremely smoothly and they were extremely medicated. Other women in my family, when I've asked, have said that they do remember what it felt like, and still get phantom pains if they move their pelvis a certain way, etc., which is something I also experience. It just makes me really mad that there are other first time moms out there who are being told this, and are having their pain be invalidated after they give birth.

Does anyone else feel this way as well?