Dear you

Dear you.

I loved you.

Did everything and anything for you.

The first couple of months were great, exciting and new.

I felt like I finally met my person, the person I would be with forever, my love. And you were that... you were my love. I loved you so much that when the red flags started appearing I told myself I was stupid, other people told me I was stupid. I fell for your lies, and I fell for you. Even when I was starving myself and feeling dangerously low on giving up on myself because of your actions, what you did to me, and I still sat there and blamed everyone but you. Because I loved you. But you didn’t love me back. The nose and forehead kisses, the smiling at me like I was the only one for you, when I wasn’t. Because she was there all along. On thar last day of our relationship, when I finally gave up on waiting for you to change like you told me you would so many times before, I cried, balled, my eyes out and I knew then that you didn’t care, you probably never did. But I did. All that time when you were running about behind my back with her I spent crying myself to sleep wondering why I wasn’t good enough, why I deserved to be treated the way you treated me. Even when one week later you were already with her I still loved you. I never thought you could do that to me. But I guess you lied when you said you didn’t like her, just like when you lied all those other times about her. But I believed you. I trusted you. And in the end I got hurt. I still feel like I love you, even though Im over the relationship I spent 9 months of my life truly and deeply in love with you, when in that time you found a new person to make you happy. I know I didn’t do anything wrong, I know nothing I did could change the outcome, because you were too far gone and I was too far broken for us ever to carry on. But I still loved you, I still care about you, but you proved that you don’t care about me and that’s ok, I know that now, and I can make peace with that now.