Husband Cheating

A few days ago I found out that my husband was on not 1 but 2 dating sites. 1 was POF and the other was a sex site. At first, he swore up and down that he didn’t know how the accounts got made, it wasn’t until the next day he admitted to it cause he felt SO bad. Thing is, he only admitted to one. The other one (Sex site) he claims that he doesn’t know how an account with the same email/password as the POF account got made 😐 with a naked pic of him (does he really think I’m stupid) anyway, I must be stupid because I forgave him. . . He says that he made the account(s) because he was lonely (im deployed, he’s home with our 2 sons)

Anyway, I know that I forgave him but I can’t help but to feel stupid. I can’t help but to feel annoyed at him and sad and I’m over thinking like CRAZY! Honestly don’t know who I married anymore and I don’t know what to do. I want our relationship to work..... I guess my question is, how do you forgive your cheating husband?