First Time Going To the Mall Alone with Social Anxiety 😬


11/04/19: Tomorrow is going to be a scary but also exciting day for me. I’m going to go to the mall by myself for the first time.

Some might find this odd considering I’m 25 years old and have been to this same mall before plenty of times with friends, but I have NEVER in my life went to a mall alone because of how much anxiety it gives me.

I always imagine the worst possible outcome, I’m scared taking the subway and bus alone to get there because something may happen or someone might do something to me. I also find it hard to socialize when I’m alone because I overthink things and don’t like to say no (but I’ve gotten better with this). I’ve been saying I’ll go for two weeks now and haven’t, but I think tomorrow is finally going to be the day.

I plan on getting skin care products for my skin, I’ve been trying to care for myself and love myself more and I find skincare helps me feel better :) I’m also very frugal and hate spending money on myself, spending anything more than 50 bucks in a day makes me feel like I don’t need it or it’s too much, but I think I’m going to enjoy myself and not stress over it as much.

I may update with some photos and say how it went for something to look back on and be proud of, let’s just hope all goes well 🤞🏼

I’d love to hear other people’s stories on similar situations. I know I’m not the only one who struggles with things that may be super simple to others (though at times it feels like I’m the only one).