Potty training regression?

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

My little guy has been doing wonderfully with potty training- managing to go 100% of the time during the day & staying dry for his nap. He just goes over to his potty/the toilet whenever he needs to. He’s been doing this for over a month a now.

We are still using diapers overnight & for longer trips outside of the home since he doesn’t communicate that he needs to go with enough warning.

The last 2-3 days though he has randomly just peed wherever he is or gone into another room & peed on the floor. It’s not every time but a few times a day. Tonight he even went into the kitchen & pooped on the floor. Literally nothing in our routines or household has changed. I have no idea why this would be happening. At first I thought he might have a UTI or something buy he’s peeing a fair amount each time & no pain or any other symptoms I can tell.

Has anyone else experienced this?