PCOS and Ovasitol/No Insulin Resistance

Hi All,

First off, this forum has been wonderful. There are so many of you who struggle like I do and it’s the most comforting feeling to know that I’m not alone.

I have been doing everything I can to manage PCOS. (I am 30) From Metformin, to acupuncture, to trying to stay away from dairy/gluten. My cycles are anywhere between 45-60 days. Metformin gave me a sour stomach, so I stopped taking it. My cycles didn’t regulate either.

I just got my hormones checked and my testosterone skyrocketed (it’s 138). However, everytime I get my H1ac and glucose, it is completely normal.

I have been using Ovasitol for the past week and am eager to see what it does the next few months. (I am also taking folic acid and zinc).

Is there any other advice out there on what to do to manage PCOS? any advice is appreciated!