Pcos/Ovasitol/Irregular and prolonged period

Hello ladies💞

A few weeks ago I was told that I MAY have PCOS. A little backstory, my periods always been irregular since the first day I got my period. Always thought it was normal for ME (until now🙄) sometimes my period will come on and last 10+ days, the next month or two months I won’t get my period at all and then BOOM, my period comes out of no where and again, it last 10+ days but I barely get cramps, and when I do it’s only for one day before my period starts and sometimes it’s mild and sometimes it HURTS.

So a few years ago, maybe 2017 I had the WORSE pains, this only happened once. I couldn’t even get up to walk because it hurt so much. I went to the hospital and found out I have two ovarian cyst and the doctor told me it’s nothing to worry about, it’s normal and it will go away on it’s own. Since then, It gave me no problems (at least I thought) so I didn’t worry. Now, my periods been trippen. It was always trippen lol but now it’s REALLY trippen. Currently my period has been on for 35 days‼️ (literally) but really 50 days because I had two periods in one month and only had a week of NO bleeding and then it started again. The longest it stayed on was 18 days and at that time I missed a period or two so I thought it stayed on for so long because of that reason. So I went to the hospital, did a ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound and they found the cyst, and told me AGAIN not to worry about it and they told me they didn’t see anything wrong with me. And excuse my language but in my head (since I had to respect the doctor lol) I’m like, The f*ck you mean you don’t see anything wrong with me? I’ve been bleeding for 50 muthaf*cking days😳 it’s definitely something wrong there SIR. So anyway, he told me a obgyn is going to come check me. She did, and told me I may have pcos and deep down I always knew something was wrong with me because of how crazy my periods are and the fact that I still ain’t conceive but I was afraid to know the truth and what it might do to me and how it’s going to change my life and I know it’s immature because health is very important but I didn’t want to deal with the heartbreak 😔 But I don’t know for SURE if I have it but I believe I do. Next month June 8th I have an appointment with another obgyn to see what’s going on.

So back to this, the obgyn at the hospital recommended birth control (sprintec) and of course I did a lot of research first and many women have negative feedback about when they got on it and when they decided to stop. So I am not going to take birth control. I am going to do this the natural way and taking natural supplements. I’ve done research on ovasitol, and wanted to know your experience with it. Since I’m still on my period (50 days) should i take it now or should I wait till it goes off which I have no idea when it’s going to stop. Any info or advice will help. Please thank you so much!

Sorry I’m advance if some of this makes no sense but I’m typing fast cause I’m at work on break.