Shadow Box Idea Help Please

Kel • 3 January 2018👼💕 4 November 2019👼💕 29 February 2020 👼💕

Before I get started I just want to say my condolences to the other parents on here going through this. This is my second pregnancy and second loss. I how how bad this hurts but we can get through this. ❤️

I had emergency surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy yesterday. I didn’t know it was an ectopic pregnancy until about 20 minutes before my surgery. I was basically told “This is what’s going on and we need to fix this now or you could die very soon”. I was not given an opportunity to process everything. (Which isn’t the doctors’ fault. They were acting in my best interest.) It still doesn’t even feel fully real that I’ve lost my baby.

I plan to make a shadow box but I’m not entirely sure what I could all put in it. I have some positive pregnancy tests and my hospital bracelets. They did diagnose my pregnancy as ectopic via ultrasound so I’m calling the hospital tomorrow to see if I can get my hands on those photos so I can put one in the box.

Does anyone have any ideas for some other things I could put in it?