
My doctor prescribed me medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 5 days. I took all 5 days worth and the 27th of October was my last day. Day 7 after last pill I experienced some super light pink spotting. It got a tad bit heavy but then went back to being super like pink. 3 days later it’s still just super light. I’m having light brown spotting. Could some one tell me why it’s like that. FYI I have taken this medication in the past for 5 days and I’ve had a full blown period and I’ve taken 10 days worth and have had a full blown period. So idk what’s going on.

I have all the symptoms of a period. I have dull cramps, boobs were really sore but I don’t remember them being sore the other times I’ve taken this pill, moody, and just the normal lol so I just don’t know what to do if I should call my doctor to see what they say if this is normal or not.