One Night Stand pt.10

Taylor: So... How’s Dylan?

Summer: Huh? Why are you asking about Dylan?

Taylor: I don’t know. I just thought I’d ask since last week he stopped by to visit & dropped off cinnamon rolls. You should tell him you like donuts then maybe he’d drop some off too.

Summer: Funny, but Dylan won’t be back.

Taylor: What?! Why? What’d you do to sweet Dylan?

Summer: Taylor, I can’t be in another relationship. I’m not the relationship type.

Taylor: Just because one idiot of a guy broke your heart doesn’t mean all guys are like that. Give this guy a chance. Didn’t he bend over backwards to drive you around when your ugly ass car broke down?

Summer: Hey hey, it’s not an ugly car. It’s vintage ok?

Taylor: This guy has been so sweet & you won’t even give him the time of day. Girl, if I were 10 years younger...

Summer: You’d what?

Taylor: Well, I’d be 10 years younger! That’s what!

Both Summer & Taylor laugh. Just then, little Dylan walks up to Summer with a piece of paper in his hand.

Summer: Hey Dylan, whatcha got there?

Little Dylan: I drew this in art class. This is Big Dylan holding a box of cinnamon rolls & this is his car.

Summer: Oh this is such a great drawing. Who’s that inside the car?

Little Dylan: That’s you!

Summer: Aww, I love it. I’ll put it in a frame on top of my desk.

Little Dylan: No! That’s not for you. That’s for Big Dylan. Ok, I gotta go to the playground now. Please make sure Big Dylan gets my drawing.

Summer: Ok.

Taylor winks at Summer as she brings little Dylan to the playground to join the other kids.

As Summer was driving her usual route home, she had a lot of thoughts going through her mind. Was she ready to open her heart to someone else? She wasn’t quite ready, but she decided she’d take baby steps towards just that. She took a detour & drove to the car shop, but Dylan wasn’t there.

Summer: Hi excuse me, is Dylan here today?

Brian dropped the clipboard from his hands & his eyes widened as he looked at Summer.

Summer: Hello?

Brian: Hi hi, yes my name’s Brian.

Summer: Hi Brian, my name’s Summer & I’m looking for Dylan.

Brian: I’m sorry, Dylan’s not here. He’s home sick. May I take a message?

Summer: Um, no it’s ok. I’ll just stop by his place.

Brian quickly texted Dylan to give him a heads up to clean up & freshen up before Summer got there. Dylan quickly threw most of the mess in the living room in a closet. He splashed water on his face, tousled his hair & gargled with mouthwash. Just then, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door.

Dylan: Hey beautiful...

Summer: I heard you were under the weather.

Dylan: No, I’m fine.

Dylan starts coughing up a storm.

Summer: No, you sound terrible. Go back to bed. I’ll make you soup.

Dylan is all smiles as he crawls back into bed.

After about 15 minutes, Summer brings in soup & other food she managed to scrounge up.

Summer: Here, eat up.

Dylan sits up & Summer sits next to him on the bed.

Dylan: I can’t believe you’re in my room right now. What are you doing here? I mean I’m happy you’re here. I just remember the conversation we had last week & I’m pretty sure you didn’t want us to see each other again.

Summer: I’m sorry about what I said. I think it’s fine if we’re friends.

Dylan: Like friends with benefits?

Summer: We’ll see where friends takes us...

Dylan: I’m cool with that.

Summer: Oh! & before I forget, this is from Little Dylan.

Summer hands Dylan the drawing from Little Dylan.

Dylan: Aww, that’s so awesome. I’m putting this on my fridge.

Summer gently pushed back Dylan’s hair from his face. Dylan looked up at Summer & held her hand over his face.

Dylan: I’m really glad you’re here, Summer.

Summer: I am too.

Summer stayed a couple of hours to make sure Dylan ate & took medicine. He liked being babied & taken care of by Summer. They talked & laughed & it was the first time in months she’s been able to feel like herself again.