I feel like a failure

I’m 19 and I’m finishing my two years at my JC. I graduated high school a year early, so Im finish my 2 years early as well. I’ll be taking this spring off and transferring in the fall. This’ll be my first break in a very long time and I’m kind of nervous about it. When I’m not in school I get really sad and start to overthink everything as I just end up in this downward spiral. I begin to feel kinda depressed but also don’t want to admit it to anyone. Im also terrified about moving away from home for school and I honestly just feel like a “failure to launch” even though I’ve done very well in school and I know I’ve achieved things. My issue lies more with moving away, being independent, etc. My parents know that this is one of my fears and I feel like I struggle with social anxiety issues even though I can seem like I’m “managing” on the outside. I feel like no one around me understands that I’m stressing out about these things every single day and they’re beginning to create real depression issues for me. I seem perfectly fine and normal on the outside, but everyday I’m mentally stressing myself out these simple social things and life changes and I honestly hate myself because of this sometimes. How do I share this with someone? I feel like when I do people shoot it down and tell me I’m “fine” and this is “normal” and “you’ll get through it”. Idk I just feel really sad and I feel like i can’t see my future even though I’ve worked so hard in school to get somewhere. Sorry for the rant :(