Baby won’t nap!


Help! Advice needed. DS is refusing to nap during the day. This just started about 3-4 days ago. When he first came home we had the normal day/night confusion and he was taking 2-3 hour naps sometimes longer. He slept in his dock a Tot no problem! Up until recently we could get him to nap in his crib or his swing for at least 1.5 to 2 hours between feedings. The last few nights he is still sleeping in 2.5 to 3 hour spurts so is getting almost 6 hours every night. But he just won’t nap! I know he is sleepy and we have tried it all. He naps for 15 minute to 30 minute spurts and that’s it.

He is mostly happy and not fussy when he is awake. But the short naps make me think he isn’t really getting a good deep sleep. He still ends up sleeping 12-14 hours per day.

The ONLY way I have been able to get him to sleep during the day is if I wear him. But I hate doing that all the time because I also have to pump and can’t do that when he’s on me. We tried my husband wearing him but he is like an oven and when he wears him he only stays asleep for 45 minutes or so we think because he overheats.

Desperate for suggestions and advice!!!