Went to a doctor appointment on Thursday ...


And we’re still in the hospital 😫

There was a huge concern about infantile spasms. There were some spikes but not epileptic ones. They think maybe his brain is still struggling to make some connections. He has another eeg in a few weeks to make sure they’re getting better instead of worse. He also has to have an MRI tonight to take a closer look at his brain and what’s going on there.

The alarming things were what we didn’t come in for. He’s has 4 metabolic panels drawn and each one has come back with something different wrong. So now they’re concerned about some sort of genetic metabolic disease. He also has anemia, a high bili count, which shouldn’t still be an issue at 10 weeks old, and high lactic acid. So now we have to do another tomorrow morning and see what that says.

They’re also worried because he’s very lethargic which I think is because as soon as he dozes off, someone comes in to mess with him.

Either way, it looks like we should be discharged then and be able to continue with outpatient care.

My poor little man has been through so much. His veins are so tiny and difficult to get so blood draws have ended with him crying so hard he’s choking and me also in tears.