A spark of light- Jodi Picoult

Hi there,

I wanted to share that I had a surgical abortion at 8 weeks and it was about this time last year I found out I was pregnant. I am 21 years old and now in my senior year of college. There was no way I was going to be able to finish school and be able to support a child. It took a lot of thought and consideration but I came to the conclusion that an abortion was best for me. For once I had to be selfish and put myself first.

On my way home for winter break (when the appointment was scheduled), I picked up a book by my favorite author that had just come out. It’s called a spark of light and it is about an abortion clinic (when I picked it up I didn’t know this otherwise I may not have bought it- though I’m glad I did).

I wanted to share because although the book is written from a variety of perspectives on the topic, there were many many parts that I felt encompassed exactly how I was feeling after the procedure. So much so I went back through and highlighted sections on the page that so eloquently said what I couldn’t find the words to say.

I wanted to share because although it is a hard thing to got through, this book really helped me in the healing process.

Again, the book is called “A Spark of Light” by Jodi Picoult. Im hopes that it might help someone the way it helped me.