Transition to milk help!

Am I doing this wrong??? I have 11 month old doesnt eat to well shes VERY picky and its only a few bites shell take of anything. I was recommended from some moms to start to wean her of formula so each week take a scoop of formula away and do the rest milk. She will NOT take plan milk in a bottle or a cup. Not even with a meal she wants nothing to do with it. We are down to 6 oz milk 2oz water with a scoop of formula she does 2 of these 8oz bottles like this during the day then has one 4oz bottle (1oz water/formula 3oz milk) in the early evening and then night timegoing to bed a 8oz bottle of water and just 3 scoops of formula. I was also told to start making it all water less formula each week at night to help stop feeds at night shell get up two more times and take at least a 4oz bottle. And to help prevent cavities. Im so confused idk what to dooo I try and try to feed her real food and she doesnt take enough. Is this right??? Is this how you transition them to milk??? Help!!! Please no rude comments im just so frustrated idk what to do or if im doing this right.