

Exactly how I feel lately, my husband and I both have kids from previous relationships and we have two little girls together. We started trying for our last baby after our youngest turned 1 (March)

I had a blighted ovum in April and then a spontaneous miscarriage in early August.

I started using opks and got a positive August 25 ( didn't catch the egg 💔)

Positive opk in September, October and still nothing 💔😢 . I was tracking and I still feel like why isn't it happening.

I decided this month to not input anything really in my calendar and just go with the flow because I'm heartbroken and just feel like at almost 36 years old that it's just not gonna happen again and I should just move on. But I can't. I don't know when I'll ovulate this month because I'm not testing this time but I do know that af is not welcomed to come on Thanksgiving
