Feeling the ttc blues, sorry to vent....

Lauren • ❤️Solo mom in waiting❤️ after four years ttc and 4 MC with my ex.

Feeling so discouraged. I had 3 CP’s last year and then in Jan started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>, and was diagnosed with PCOS. Several months of assisted ovulation and meds and no luck. I also have me/cfs and this flared up, hormonal imbalance etc and was told I would never conceive naturally. A few months later we were surprised by a faint line! Another CP MC at 5 weeks.

This week I went for a scan - they have found uterine polyps (I didn’t even know such thing existed) and must be a new thing as have had about 30 scans and not been spotted. On top of that I have been having some tests for heart problems which they thought was me/cfs related, and now they think more serious and an issue with my valves.

I am 37, slim and previously very fit prior to me/cfs. I no longer work due to health so my stress levels are much lower. Yet still no closer to our rainbow baby and just disappointment after disappointment.

I just seem to spend my days at hospitals getting tests, or at home waiting for results.

We so badly want a baby.

Sorry to vent - spent today with my best girlfriends... and their babies... as they all fell pregnant within 6 month of each other and I have been trying the longest and the only one without.
