TMI question


This is kind of an invasive question so I appreciate any comments.

I’ve had 3 membrane sweeps. After the first I lost my plug (big chunk of mucus, blood streak through it). A week later I had a second sweep & nothing happened. I had sex a couple days after that and had bloody mucus for about an hour and it stopped. I had my 3rd sweep on Wednesday this week & the mucus just keeps coming. Huge chunks of mucus. Some with a little blood, some just a yellow/brownish color. Like every single time I use the restroom I get another huge chuck completely covering the toilet paper. With my first I lost my plug & had her a week later. I’m just kind of confused as to why it keeps coming. Is this normal? How much mucus plug did you lose?

I had my first at 38 weeks & i’m 38+1 today so I’m impatiently awaiting her arrival and questioning everything 😂