Really Concerned. PLEASE HELP!?


My DH and I have been ttc for 11 months now. I used medroxyprogesterone for the 1st 10 days of the month in October which made my cycle come on on the 13th and it was very very light (I’m usually a moderate bleeder) ***i also have PCOS*** so on the 3rd-7th of the month I used letrozole which was fine. I was having clear white stretchy discharge and my husband and I BD every other day. I was so sure it was going to work. Well...I got my cycle on the 3rd of November (which was really really early) and AF was heavy for 5 days and light for 2 days afterwards (I usually on have AF for 5 days) and now that my cycle is over I have NO discharge at all my panties are dry all day long since my cycle went off and this have never happened before . Has anyone else experienced this? Should I call my doctor?