Clear blue conception indicator tests *potential TW - pregnancy loss*


For those of you who haven't seen/use them. Clear blue have a pregnancy test which tells you when you are likely to have conceived.

Results are as follows:

Clear blue have stated their pregnancy results are 99% accurate from due date of period. And conception indicator results are 92% accurate.

I've seen women in other forums having nightmares because they're using these to monitor their pregnancy and ensure the pregnancy 'sticks' - but are not recieving the desired results for when they believe they have conceived.

There are also women who still achieve the desired result, but go on to have miscarriages.

Many of these women who have had unexpected date results are calling for these pregnancy tests to be banned due to the worry it may cause.

Firstly do you think these tests take advantage of vulnerable women, who may have anxiety or suffered early loss? Since these tests are roughly £13 for 2 in the UK.

And do you think they should be banned?