Flirting cheating

Last weekend I visited my boyfriend and went with his family to pick him up from his base in 29 palms. I was very happy to see him but I noticed he was being real weird about his phone. We’ve been together for 3 years and he’d always let me use his phone. There was a time where I even had my finger print saved into his phone because he suggested it. I never accused him of cheating. However, last weekend I saw he was messaging a girl on Snapchat but turned away from me at an angle. I asked him calmly about it later that night and he gave me his phone and said I could go through it if I wanted. Stupidly, I didn’t and told him I wanted to trust him. This weekend after the marine ball in Vegas, he went out with friends and got super drunk and they gave me all his stuff. I still had a bad feeling so I decided to go through his phone and found him messaging girls asking for selfies calling them baddies and telling the girl I suspected him of the first time that he was going to “cuff her” and had no plans of marrying me (after making me looking at promise rings over the weekend) I brought it up to him and told him I wanted to break up but he insists that we fix things and that he’ll block her and that he messaged her to flirt because it was an outlet for his anger towards me. He’s 23 I’m 21. I’m not too sure on what to do. He thinks his flirting was harmless because this girl lives in Florida and he’s never met her