Best Friend Ghosted Me

I’ve been best friends with this person since high school. The kind of best friends that would randomly go on spa days or just send hilarious texts to make the other LOL. Her and her then-BF met in college and introduced me to my now husband. It was great! We all hung out and had so much fun together. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding :) well due to adulting, she broke up with her BF. She slowly started drifting away and distancing herself from me. I took it bc of the break up. I would reach out and try to plan brunches but things were just different between us. I don’t know why. She started seeing a new guy. I was genuinely excited and happy for her and kept trying to plan things to get to know him better. Hanging out felt forced and awkward. Which broke my heart :( She’s now a mommy and I feel like I’m waiting for an invite to meet her beautiful baby, but it’s never coming. I miss her friendship. I also get angry and upset BC I feel that the distance is unwarranted. I’ve always tried to show my friends how much they matter to me. How can you best friend ghost you?