My husband officially left me last night

Sorry I think I posted it on the wrong group so I am posting it here.. I’m sorry this is long but I need to let everything out and I need advice please

It came out of no where. No fights. I went through his things trying to figure out if he found someone else.. nothing. Everything seemed “normal”. All he said was that this was forced and he wants to do his own thing. He was the type to take and take and take and never give. He was $10,000 in debt and I helped him out now he only owes about $2,000. I thought he loved me. He bought me a car but when he was mad he would take the keys away from me. He was engaged before and told me that the woman left him for his cousin. I accepted that, I thought that he just needed someone to value him, love him and appreciate him. So i tried my best to show him what “true love” is. There were so many red flags but I thought he needs just one person in his life to prove that they will stay by his side through the good and bad. He wasn’t this complete asshole, he got better and started doing little things to show me that he loves me and I was so happy because I thought this was our “happily ever after” since we’re both been through things. I was sooo so so blinded by love and I’m finally seeing how stupid I was. I caught him of dating chats, he had a secret Facebook and so much more but after we got married things seemed so much better. He actually changed. The only thing that was the same was his anger. He became so mean and cold when he was mad and I felt like his punching bag. I was molested as a young girl and when I tried to talk to him about it he just said “I don’t wanna hear it cause you’re gonna tell me that you regret ever telling me this”. I was so happy that we were going on dates but now I notice I always paid. The last thing he said was “sorry for wasting your time” and I thought he was staying because he was just mad but really wanted to be with me but he admitted that he was just using me so once he figured out about getting his own place he would go.. and idk if he felt bad after admitting it or what but he just said it’s better if I go right now. He packed everything. And left. He said he would be back this weekend to get his motorcycles and all I said okay goodbye. Now I feel so empty. I feel scared, alone, lost. I hate to admit it but I became sooo dependent on this man. Now I am left with literally nothing. And I am terrified to be alone. I want to be strong and independent but I just feel so weak, stupid and like a failure. I am Mexican and where I’m from they say that no one wants a divorced woman because they didn’t know how to keep a man happy and they “lost their value”. From the outside you would never ever believe the type of person we truly was. He always looked sooo happy and friendly and always laughing. And I know it’s easy to say who cares what others say but people are so harsh and Evil.. i know I will take all the blame because that’s how the culture is. It’s always the woman’s fault. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how divorces work. I just feel so lost