He won’t have sex with me :-(

I’m currently 4 & 1/2 months pregnant and my husband and I have had sex 3 times since I’ve gotten pregnant. I’m in my second trimester and at this point I’ve been wanting sex more and more. We’ve always had a very good sex life but since I’ve gotten pregnant he’s not interested in having sex with me. It’s hard because it hurts my self esteem more than anything. With the changes in my body and the way I’ve been feeling- let’s just say I feel like things aren’t looking too hot. While he’s assured me it’s not my fault I still cry about feeling insecure and my body changing. (I know it’s a beautiful thing but sometimes I feel like I’m not as interesting to look at and less desirable) He says he’s stressed out and he hasn’t been able to sleep but I just wish we could be on the same page about this. Our relationship is otherwise very healthy and he’s always intimate in other ways and touchy and emotionally he’s been sooo good. Does anyone know of anything that could help us both out of this funk? Him with his stress and me get laid again?