11/18 Part 2


Hi Ladies!

Lovely Justina created a check in for us earlier this morning, and a lot of us (myself included) are feeling a little down and worried today. I’d love for each of us to comment something positive that happened throughout your day today. If you don’t feel like you have something to share for today, just share the first happy thought or memory that comes to mind or something you’re grateful for in this journey 😊

Let’s keep our minds and spirits lifted!

I’ll start - Today, as many of you know, I was feeling super down. Tired from lack of sleep and a headache and feeling like this transfer wasn’t going to work. My DH knew I was feeling low, so he went and got me some of my favourite snacks, ordered my favourite movie and spent the afternoon with me. I haven’t shared my journey with family and friends so other than all you lovely ladies I’ve felt a bit isolated. He really helped get my mind off of things and have a little laugh together 😊