Nine months pp and i'm ready to tell my story .


So it's been over nine months since I gave birth earlier this year and I'm finally ready to tell people about it !

I will try to remember as much as I can.

I was induced because of high BP, I was started on the gel and had three doses over two days, the last dose fell out and I started getting pains.

I was checked and my doctor gave me the all clear to start on Pitocin (hormone drip) and at 1cm my waters were popped.

At four centimetres dilated I was told I had to get the epidural because the doctor wanted to go home (bit rude but okay) I wanted to go for longer without pain relief but didn't feel like I had a choice.

It failed, the epidural failed.

At about 6cm I started on the gas and at 8 cm was checked and everything was fine and going well.

But then my contractions started getting close together with no breaks and an hour later I was telling the nurse I needed to push.

She told me to hold it ! But my body was pushing and I struggled to hold it for another hour until the doctor told the nurse to check me again.

So I held it then the nurse came in to check and I was fully dilated but had a "lip" on my cervix.

The doctor arrived ten minutes later and I started pushing. All the while the nurse was in my ear yelling "just push,be quiet and just push"

So I pushed and pushed and pushed until the doctor realised my son was stuck on my bone... FUCK YOU NURSE!

So I had to have an episiotomy right there without pain relief and let me tell you I have never heard anyone scream like I did when he cut me.

I proceeded to push but the my son was in distress and they started to prep for an emergency C section, I was determined to push him out so I had the vacuum and just as they were ready to wheel me out i pushed him out!! (Sideways, yes he came out sideways lol)

I ended up haemorrhaging and the stupid nurse dropped the blood bucket all over my partner's feet 🤦🤦🤦.

My son had skin torn off his head and black bruising up and down him arms, I also haemorrhaged at four weeks pp and while I was in hospital recovering they forgot to take my bloods until two days after and I was severely iron deficient, and had low platelets, I ended up with a staph infection in my episiotomy site and bound stitches.

Anyways that's my birth story ! It was intense but now I have a beautiful nine month old son and I would do it all again for him ❤️❤️❤️