Two things MUST happen!

We have got to stop shaming. If someone is married for 3 months or three years and they get pregnant. Cool. Okay.

I have a friend, got pregnant at the three months into her marriage and the backlash was REAL! She didn’t plan that. Birth control didn’t work that month. She shouldn’t have to explain that to people. It’s a baby! Stop treating it like a disease! “Oh, you got that? Ha...good luck.” Nope. Just nope.

Second thing, stop asking when. When is none of your business. When doesn’t included you. When is between husband and wife and possibly doctor. When includes so many things that are personal. So no, you don’t get to know when, don’t ask.

Of course this is not pointed directly at anyone, just a general statement, don’t ask why someone is pregnant or when they will be. No one has the right to know that except maybe a doctor.