Unmedicated in hospital

Karri • SAHM to Ryan and Sam👬Wife to Aaron💍 United States Navy Veteran ⚓️
I have my heart set on having an unmedicated birth in a hospital setting(my ideal would be a home birth, but cannot due to many things). 
I have some questions! I've delivered in this hospital before (and I also work there) so I'm slightly familiar with their procedures when it comes to an all medicated birth. However, I don't know what to expect when it comes to going it all natural. Like honestly, I just want a midwife. No doctors. No nurses checking me every hour. No one coming in my room unless it's my midwife or family. I don't want anyone to touch me or talk to me. Lol just basically leave me alone. Bring me water and leave. Hahhaha this is probably the hormones speaking for the most part. I don't want to deliver on the bed, and sure as heck not on my back! I want to deliver however the heck I want! I don't want to be on anyone's timeline or be pressured to progress or told when to push. I want my body to do this all on its own. It can do it! I want to do all this but I'm afraid they're going to be all up in my bisiness and I'm not going to have a say in much. I'm active duty and this is a military facility so there is a line of respect I have to maintain for these people. 
Can anyone share their experience with doing natural in a hospital? What problems arose and how did you over come them? Anything I should know before going in barking orders. Lol 
Thanks in advance ladies!!