Just a rant about the unfairness of the world.

I know there are people in a much better situation than me, but I feel like there are so many more worse off.

It's so unfair. No one deserves to have to sleep on the street or dig through bins for food. No one deserves to have to cart their belongings with them everywhere they go.

It makes me so angry that governments all around the world do so little for the homeless, while they live in luxury (except for the former president of Uruguay).

It makes me angry that even when charities and individuals try and make a difference, people have so much of an entitled "not in my backyard" mentality that they don't even want to fathom helping homeless people in their neighbourhoods. One suburb away the residents got so angry because a real estate company tried to start a soup kitchen. Two suburbs away they formally put in an application to start a shelter (it was already an informal one) and one lady blasted all over Facebook how her property value was going to go down now (not like the suburb is one of millionaires anyway).

I'd love to start something to address the basic needs of the homeless (public ablution facilities)- I can't imagine how uncomfortable it is not being able to take a shower or having to do one's business behind a bush hoping no one sees you.

At the end of the day, they're just people who have either made a poor decision somewhere along the line, who just had some bad luck, or who were born into poverty and don't know how to get out.