Baby won’t get full?

My baby is being breastfed. She does go a good 4-5 hour stretch at night but she just never seems truly satisfied on the breast during daytime hours? 😕

She’s 5 weeks and 4 days old and has fed 6 times so far today since 6am between 15-30 mins a time (now 3:30pm) I fed her about 1pm for 30 mins (15 per side) and at 2pm she still seemed really hungry so I gave her an expressed 4oz bottle expecting her to drink an oz or two - she drank the whole thing!!

Could this mean she’s not getting enough from the breast - I don’t see how as I’ve already had 5 wet nappies today so obviously milk is getting in. I just feel so guilty 😔 I express to freeze for when I go back to work and have a couple of bottles handy for my partner to help. I don’t know if it’s just a psychological thing but I’m so upset I’ve had to resort to a bottle - fed is best obviously but I feel really defeated by it.

She’s now sleeping contently which she won’t normally do during the day time so clearly the bottle helped.