Psychological abuse..

Kaitlin • We finally have our little blessing to hold and kiss every day and night!

I'm sorry to sound like a broken record to most of y'all who've read my past posts.

This is my first pregnancy and I never thought I'd be single or I would love someone who causes such emotional damage. I don't know how to run away. He keeps me strung up like a damn puppet, says one thing, but then does a complete 180 hours later. I believe him every time! He started dating this girl a few weeks ago, a month after he just broke up with me for no reason, but says he only did that bc I made him angry. I have no idea what I did. He sent this text to me yesterday, begging for me to give him a chance, saying he didn't want her, he just wanted me. A few hours later, he called to say he wanted to start going to the appointments finally and for us to hang out. I told him I couldn't do that if he was with someone, bc I'm still in love with him. He lashed out at me saying I was selfish. He has me so confused and depressed that I can't even get out of bed or want to shower/eat. I'm supposed to enjoy this pregnancy that he wanted, we tried for this miracle and finally after a year of trying, we were pregnant. I feel like a horrible pregnant mother bc I'm so lost, i made my child's dad my whole world. I'm so emotionally drained from all this psychological abuse, that it's literally made me ill.

What can I do? Counseling doesn't seem to help. I'm addicted.