Stomach bug...6 week old help?!!


Help. My SO is currently battling some type of stomach bug. He has diarrhea and vomiting. I don't have it... Yet. I'm not currently breastfeeding due to my DS having a CMPI. I'm currently sick to my stomach with just the thought that my baby.. 6 weeks old will get it.

I'm able to pump BM once a day maybe... Would it be worth it to give whatever milk I make to my baby before I get sick or when/if I get sick???!!

Please, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.. I've sanitized with Clorox wipes but I don't feel like it's good enough. SO had been touching baby all day and then started getting symptoms tonight. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Update: Thank you for the reassurance. I spoke with my pediatrician. They told me even if I do become symptomatic, not to give my LO BM unless I'm dairy free. Which I'm not because we transitioned him to formula almost 2 weeks ago. Whatever BM I make is minimal. It makes sense, dairy/cows milk gives my LO bloody mucus/diarrhea. Which would also be a symptom of the stomach bug. Also, it would be more damaging than good since it tears up his stomach. I just wanted to update in case any one else goes through something similar!