I dont want to be married

Before anyone judges me, i just want to say to please understand where im coming from. I’m 20 years old and i got married to a wonderful person who is my age as well. He treats me very good and he is overall a really great husband. I moved here to another state with him and we got our own house (thanks to the military) and i thought everything would be perfect. Well, since i moved here ive been feeling really homesick & depressed for alot of reasons. people tell me to find a hobby etc, but ive tried almost everything and i cant help but feel like i just rushed things too soon. I miss being independent and doing things on my own, and in all honesty, i dont like doing wifely duties.. I feel like its not something i was ready for and i feel too young for this life. I feel like i really rushed things and i tell myself that i wish we should’ve waited and started off as a couple. There is no cheating involved, no trust issues, no nothing. He makes me very happy, but i cant help but feel like we rushed things and should’ve waited on marriage. My sex drive is completely gone and idk if its because of my body going through alot of trauma in my car accident, or because ive been feeling depressed and homesick. I feel like i lost myself and idk who I am anymore. Its a real lonely life being in another state with no friends or my family nearby. Me and my husband do talk about this and he knows how i feel, he says if it would make me happy that he would be ok with me moving back home while we are still together. But its a hard decision leaving the person I love because we have been through alot. From a car accident, to losing his father. It was a very hard situation for us and we still have so many emotional, mental, and physical problems that take effect in us everyday. Leaving him would hurt but staying here hurts too. I feel stuck and i want us to both feel happy and comfortable with our lives.