None of my embryos made it.

Lauren • RN 🩺 recurrent unexplained losses 💔 12.6.20 🌈👶🏻💙 FET baby girl born 11.4.22 💕✨ baby #3 EDD 8.17.24 💚

Egg retrieval was last week. We only retrieved 7 eggs- 4 were mature and 3 fertilized. None made it- my RE says he’s waiting on the full report from the lab to see when they stopped growing. Is it time to give up? Do my eggs just suck? I feel like someone ripped my heart out of my chest. I’m 32- we’ve conceived 2x naturally in the past 20 months- both chemicals. This was our first try with <a href="">IVF</a> and I’m gutted. We paid out of pocket too, just to add insult to injury. I’ve never felt this way; I just don’t know where to go from here. My RE suggested we make an appointment to come and see him again when we’re ready to go over a new plan. Should I find a new RE? What are the odds of even having a different outcome next time? We’ve been tested for everything and have no answers. I was so excited and now I’m just so broken.