
story time! so basically, my best friend (i’ll call her B) was talking shit abt one of her other best friends (i’ll call her F) to me & all her other friends, including F’s boyfriend. at first, i wasn’t gonna do anything abt it bc it’s fine to rant or whatever abt ur friends, i get that. eventually tho, it got too far. she would talk badly abt F to F’s boyfriend, other best friend & all her work friends (they work together.) i felt like it was getting out of hand. one day, F came to me very upset & asked me if B was talking shit abt her. she’d heard it briefly from her boyfriend, but wanted to ask someone else just to see what was up. I felt awful bc i could tell she was really upset abt it. she & i aren’t best friends, but we’re friends so i just didn’t think it would be fair not to tell her. so, i told her that B had been talking badly abt her for a while. F confronted B abt it. now B isn’t my friend anymore bc of it. she acts as if we never even knew each other. i explained myself to her but she didn’t care. it’s been almost two weeks, & now F & B are friends again. it kind of upsets me bc i lost my beat friend of three years bc of this whole situation, & now F & B are friends, but B doesn’t acknowledge my existence anymore. i just really need some advice or opinions, on anything from this really :/ i just don’t know what to do anymore