Advice please!

I was told I am receiving an award. Am happy, however was candid with the award giver that I’m going through <a href="">IVF</a> and have timed, refrigerated shots and would most likely not be attending the ceremony (others are receiving awards too). The award giver was sympathetic and claimed she understood. After our conversation, she emailed my company about the award dinner and said I would be receiving an award at the dinner - the implication being that I would be attending. My company is in process of buying a table. I reached out to the award giver who again acted sympathetic and wanted to “help” address the situation (that she put me in by sending the email to my company knowing full well my situation and that I wouldn’t be there) and her solutions were not helpful. At all. I’ve decided to speak to the person organizing the table at my company & let them know I had already told the award giver I would not be available the night of the ceremony. I feel pressured to try and make an appearance (the award giver offered to move my award announcement up) and then rush to get home for my injections - it’s pressure I don’t need now. Very grateful for this award but we’ve been TTC for four years and coming up to the anniversary of our miscarriage in the next week, which falls at the same time as this first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle. Not in a good place right now.