Lost on when to stop swaddling

My son is 3 months old, he hasnt shown signs of rolling on his own. But in the middle of the night he will move from being horizontal in his crib to vertical so hes moves and flops around that much where he can do that. He wont sleep unswaddled.. I keep trying on different days to help him ease into it, but he will sleep 15 minutes and wake up screaming. Even when he is swaddled he barely takes naps anymore. He sleeps good at night but naps are hell no matter what now. So you can see why I'm nervous to unswaddle him. I don't care about my sleep, but I'm worried about him not getting enough sleep when i try to unswaddle him. The days I've tried it he always is exhausted from resisting sleep and will be wailing by the end of the day. I've tried the nested bean zen one swaddle. It sorta works but not really. I've heard alot about other options but I spent 68$ already on the nested bean swaddles and I kinda just want to go cold Turkey. I'm just afraid to for him cause I know he wont sleep!