All the Bad Things

when i was 14 my mother used to make me tell her my weight. if i went down, id get praised. if i went up, id get yelled at.
around the same time i began to self harm. instead of a warm, comforting, helpful environment, my mother screamed and yelled and took my phone away. i went to therapy, but my mother took me out of it after CPS was called. i continue to cut to this day, and i eat very little.
i also recently came out via social media as bisexual. my peers all congradulated me and i felt great. my mother saw the post, forced me to take it down, told me i dont know "what im talking about" and that im "too young to know my sexuality", and took my phone away again.
there isnt really a question, i just needed to anonymously vent. thank you :)
(i also do not have the money to do anything myself, as my mother still controls my life)