I have a lot of questions


All of this is crazy we did ai twice •our first time•once the 9th once the 13th (two different donors -long story short we couldn’t choose😂 so we left it up to god so if we are he got to choose😂❤️) I missed my period (on my 7th day of being late) I’m peeing a lot more I’m always bloated I feel fatigue more tired and my sense of smell is raising I want sweets like all the time im more tired than normal and im eating more&discharging more

what are my chances I could I actually be pregnant?

If so how did you and your partner go about everything through out the whole pregnancy and birth and even after to deal with family comments, her wanting to be pregnant etc and to deal with potential donor wanting to be there

Was she able to be on the birth certificate? I need tips and advice for everything

and especially thoughs people who would be trying to tear us down as well along the way or that it’s not our baby that it’s “my baby” because we couldn’t make one biologically 😭😭

We are planning to announce at Christmas if so and I’m afraid they wont be happy or excepting since I’m the one carrying and not my fiancé I’m afraid they won’t treat the baby like they should