Need to let out my mind

My hubby just got out of the military in January we lived in California at the time so a month prior to him getting out me and my 1 year old at the time moved in with the in laws they live in husband got out moved our stuff to Georgia well the military moved it to a storage. We lived with my mil for 5 months. 5 months of hell for me my mil got on to me for everything complaining and fighting with my husband about me how i was lazy and a slob all that is another story itself. And I felt like for 5 months i wasted my life lived in solitude I hid in the bedroom with my one year old while my hubby would work because of all the tention she would bring. In June my husband got this really good job offer in Oklahoma so we packed all we could in our car and left. We have another car its in georiga I don't drive so we took one car and the rest of our stuff is in Georgia in storage. We have a tiny apartment starting over my husband works 10 hour days and I stay at home with our son I liked it here until we got new teenage neighbor's who smokes weed in the apartment and they have different people over and are loud And now I feel unsafe living here we recently lost a pregnancy too and we are getting a new apartment shortly but these days are starting to feel long to me in running out of ideas to do with my toddler I'm starting to run out of things to do myself I have no car so 40 hours a week were in this tiny apartment i miss my old life i had when my husband was in I miss my old job i know life will get situated once we havr this new place and go get our stuff in georigavim just so lonely right now I feel like this whole year went by and I just wasted it i also feel like a horrible mom and wife. Thanks for listening.