🗣I hope this isn't your man

So hey sistas Glow sistas Aunt Flow sistas. **THIS IS A VERY LONG POST**


I met a guy my final year in undergrad when I didn't fully love myself the way I do now. He was affectionate and loved big girls even though he was muscular. The more I talked to him the more I learned him. He doesn't claim his faults, he discreetly body shames, he is a slave to his sexual desires, and he loves pointing the finger. Anytime I expressed how his manipulative behavior made me feel it brushed it off or wouldn't even respond until I changed the subject. The use of a line similar to "I don't know why you feel that way" or "you're making to big of a deal of this hun" 🤬 Because of these I could careless about what you feel responses I'd often block him on all platforms and HE would always come crawling back to be in my life never apologizing for anything. Again I didn't love myself correctly when dealing with him so I kept taking him back. Also he never wanted anybody to know that we were talking or making out anytime we were together.😶

What you're about to read is a snippet of the emotional abused I've been allowing myself to endure for a little over a year on and off.

Please do not bash me I am still learning. My motto is "Stumbling through my 20's GRACEFULLY"🙂

I marked them so I'd know what order to post in. 😅

Final thoughts? Comments? Concerns?