I need some help

So i have a 2.5 year old (3 in 3 months) He was a strong willed baby and is now a strong willed toddler. I have very intense emotions and always have so none of this is any surprise to me. It can be challenging at times but he is obviously an amazing person whom i love so much. I just feel like i am failing him. His tantrums are so bad! He throws stuffs, hits, bites, he has been hitting his head against walls or the floor for like 1.5 years now. I have taken him to 2 drs and they both said this is just his temperament. I get that, i remember doing the same things as a kid. I can't ignore it like drs tell me to. We live in an apartment if i ignore it it will upset the neighbors. I'm looking for a parenting book for strong willed toddlers. I have seen a few but what would be the best one? Any opinions? Please no negative advice from anyone who doesn't have a spirited child! Thanks in advance.