
So my boyfriend 🙄 drank last night after we both agreed to eat better, not drink & workout for 3 weeks. I came up with the idea at an attempt to motivate him. I workout but lately I have been slacking so I thought let’s do it together. Anyways he drank last night which upset me bc it’s the second time he has since we agreed to do this! Well he drank vodka which he gets mean on and he did! I ended up driving down the street to get away from the drama. I did come back and sleep in the same bed. Well this morning he texted an apology but I’m not ok with that... I need a genuine face to face apology. I moved on and put a smile on my face and we went to his parents. We got home and I asked him do you want to watch tv in bed or out in the living room and he said he didn’t care so I chose the bedroom. He finished his movie then walks in and says can you finish your show (20 min left) on the couch. I told him I wanted to finish it in bed and he blew up! I get upset and go off on him and wave my toothbrush which the toothpaste flies on him then he sprays me with shaving cream. Anyways after all the nonsense he ended up moving the entire mattress into the living room! I just wanted him to say no problem finish your show! He doesn’t have work tomorrow or anything! I know this sounds completely absurd.....hardheaded