hypoglycemia? or something else?

hey everyone, so last night i had a really weird/bad episode. i woke up around 1am to go to the bathroom and in general i didn’t feel good AT ALL. i stumbled to the bathroom and found one of my blankets from my room already in there?? (i sleep with 3 and the one i found goes in between the other two) and i was just really confused. not only because of that, just in general i was really out of it. we think i may have slept walked way before and brought the blanket or that i was so confused that i just don’t remember initially bringing it. i sat down and realized i didn’t have my phone after about 10 minutes and when i got up to get it i felt like everything was spinning. i got it though and somehow made it back to the bathroom. i sat back down and i just remember feeing faint, like i was going to throw up, my heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute, i felt so indescribably hot that i had to take off all my clothes (i vaguely remember doing that), i couldn’t keep my eyes open, and i was literally breathing so hard and so loud i was panting. the worst of it lasted anywhere from 1:20 to 1:50 because at 1:50 is when my dummy brain finally got out of its super confused state just long enough to get help by calling my mom, who was out at a concert at a thankfully close venue. from what we can tell, it was a hypoglycemic episode? i’ve never had something like this before, but my mom said that she’s had similar reactions. i ate a FREAKING FRUIT BY THE FOOT BEFORE BED AND IT MADE ME FEEL LIKE I WAS GONNA DIE??!!?!! apparently since i ate that before bed and then woke up suddenly when my body didn’t have time to process the sugar intake it was caused by that??? idk. i just know i’ve never been so scared in my life. i thought that if my mom didn’t answer i’d have to call 911. i want to go get checked at the doctor or see if this is a sign i may have diabetes but my mom just keeps saying “what are you going to say for the appointment? that you have low blood sugar or something?” UM HELL YES I AM!! i don’t want to have to feel like that again, especially not knowing for sure that it was definitely a hypoglycemic episode. what do y’all think? does it seem like it was just a hypoglycemic episode or do you think there could be more to it? i know it wasn’t a panic attack because i have those too and while ive had a quite a few of those, mine are very different than what happened last night.