I’ll never forget.....


My MIL is like, an otherworldly bitch. I wish I could explain to y’all how absolutely ridiculous she is but it would take all week. If I had to sum it up in one story, though...

My husband made it CRYSTAL clear that we did not want any visitors the first day of my daughters life. I ended up having an induction and awful tearing and I told my husband to be in charge of texting everyone that she had arrived and letting them know when we’d be available for visitors in a day or two. She responded “well I already cancelled all my meetings today (side note: she’s a “life coach”.............) and so let me know when I can come to the hospital.” We just didn’t respond.

My babe had a rough start with some minor health hiccups and the biggest problem was my milk didn’t come in for four days. She was hungry!! My MIL came and brought her 5 young kids and her 85 year old dad without telling us, and I refused to let any of them hold the baby because she was 3 days old and I didn’t want to just pass her around between all the kids, and I knew if I gave her to my MIL she’d pass her around to all the kids. My MIL told me that if I wanted my milk to come in, I should put cabbage leaves on my boobs to help my milk come in. Which is what you do TO DRY UP YOUR MILK. Luckily my mom was there and said “DO NOT do that. That’s the opposite of what you do” and my MIL just rolled her eyes and walked away. She was trying to sabotage my breastfeeding journey when she always talks about how she breastfed her kids and it was the best thing ever. She has always been jealous of my relationship with her son and I guess she decided to take it out on my 3 day old baby?

Needless to say, we’ve only seen her 3 times since then and my baby is 6 months old.