My brother sexually abused me as a child

I was 6 or 7 years old I’ll never forget that day. I had done something to annoy my brother and as a punishment he put a stick up my bum I was crying in pain and couldent sit down for 3 days or so. I went to the bathroom and there was blood on the toilet paper I told my mum I said I told you he stuck it in me it hurts she said I’ll put some sudocream on it and that was the end of that. I went to school the next day and couldent sit down when I was on my own my teacher asked me what Had happend as she noticed I was in pain I told her what happend but she said are you sure your telling the truth. So I changed my story knowing she didn’t believe me. It was 2005 if only she had spotted the signs or only if I had spoken up my mother didn’t care she didn’t stop him abusing me I’ll never understand why I’m 18 now nearly 19 and I feel disgusting I was 9 years old when he told me he’ll buy me a kfc if after I pulled my trousers down luckily that day social services took me away but I can’t live with it I feel disgusting and hurt