Should I just file for divorce?

My husband and I have been together for 6 years married for almost 3. He cheated within our first year of marriage and swore it was just emotional ( he told this girl he loved her and he married the wrong person ect ect and I have hard proof of that) i set rules in place when it happened ( I was 6 months pregnant and had a 9 month old with him) that lasted about a week and he started breaking said rules. My husband constantly embarrasses me, belittles me in front of his friends. Let's his friends belittle me. Makes me hate my self alot. He has anger issues and takes them out on me. He is currently overseas. And 2 weeks ago he " accidentally" sent me a picture of the girl he cheated on me with in JUST her panties while on video chat. Swears he didnt take it swears he wasnt watching. But I got sent it. A few days after that we got into a fight about or physical relationship ( we dont have as much sex as he would like and I dont want to have sex with him when hes being a jerk to me) and I blew up. I blew up about the cheating the constant lying the picture they way he makes me feel everything. He went to counselor over there and they said we needed to try therapy. Well all of a sudden this man is bombarding me with all this sweetness that feels so forced. I have asked him through out the time period if he ever did get physical with said girl. He swore no all this time. Then finally admitted that he did kiss her and he didnt think it was a high deal. Then proceeded to LIE about telling the councilor about said kiss. So when I talked to said councilor and told him how I felt about it he said he honestly had no idea. So he lied YET again. He recommended that we take a " communication break" and my husband flipped. And today when he called to talk to the kids. He wanted to talk to me and just broke down crying. And I feel so guilty because I'm not happy and I'm not okay. And I dont think counciling is going to work if hes still lying. I dont see myself ever trusting him again..... thanks if you read all this

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