My mom has been diagnosed with Cancer


She's 56 and has stomach cancer. It's really tough to think about. I'm 6 months pregnant and now I fear my boy will never know his grandma. She was always a small woman but she literally weighs 70lbs now. She's a walking skeleton. She has bad kidneys, bad diabetes, and it just weighs so heavy on my heart. She hasn't even started chemo and radiation yet. Apparently for the type of cancer she has, she only has a 4% 5 year survival rate. That's assuming it hasn't spread already. We find out those results in a couple days. Fingers crossed. When her mom (my grandma) was diagnosed, she was given 3 months to live. I fear my mom will never even got to hold my son.

Sorry for ranting. She asked me not to tell people we know.. 💔