Emotional connection/ manipulation

Okayyyy sooo...I was in a relationship with a guy for almost 3 years. Soon around year 2 he started to express that his emotional needs where not being met. This was difficult for me to grasp consistently(not gonna lie). I think it takes a lot of time, effort and patience to really understand how to FULLY meet someone’s needs in a relationship. Anyways fast forward...he became fed up and impatient with my struggles to grasp on to this. I feel like he made it more than it was because literally everything else in our relationship was perfect. I soon realized that this was really serious for him and a deeper issue than I realized. I am a problem solver and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make something work if I truly want to. There is a solution to everything! However!!!...it takes two to tango. So after I’m like listen we need to come up with a solution to make this work. I’m clearly not understanding what needs you need to be met and how so we need to fix this. His validation was that he shouldn’t have to tell me how and I should know him by now since we’ve been together for almost 3 years. I understood that but myyyyyy thing was that a relationship takes work!!! I was willing to put in the work HEEE wasn’t but heee was the one telling me that I wasn’t putting enough work in to “get to know him”. So he soon started to call me manipulative because he started to become emotionally distant from me and this upset me because this was the whole problem to begin with. So because I was upset I had a hard time with him basically not trying anymore and it turned around to seem like I was the sad one now and he’s like “you are turning this around and making it about you”. So now immmmm upset! Is this really manipulative?! He started to make me seem crazy for asking valid questions like “where do we stand” or at one time we were taking a break and I asked “so does this mean we are seeing other people?” And he went crazy on me and said why would I be thinking about that I should only be concerned about not loosing him and he never answered the question. I became voiceless in this relationship from that day on...I don’t know who or what was more “manipulative”. I need opinions ASAP because I am questioning myself. 🙏🏾